Physical Cultural Studies

News from the PCS Research Group

About Us

Physical Cultural Studies (PCS) is a research unit and interdisciplinary project located within the Department of Kinesiology. We seek to advance the critically and theoretically-driven analysis of physical culture, in all its myriad forms.  These include sport, exercise, fitness, health, recreation, dance, and movement related practices, which PCS research locates and analyzes within the broader social, political, economic, and technological contexts in which they are situated. Working from the premise that an equal society is a healthy society, the role of PCS is to examine the role of physical culture in reproducing and/or mitigating inequalities and hierarchies including, but not restricted to, those based on class, race, sex, gender, age, ability, religious, and national differences.

Our goal is to intervene into sites of physical cultural injustice and create a more equal—and healthier—society.

Meet the PCS Research Group







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